Hello everyone,
I hope that everyone has had a fun weekend:). All right here it goes... This weekend was my birthday weekend and it was a very good one:). Haley and Trevor were able to come down for my birthday weekend which was very nice to have them here so I thank them for coming:). Friday night Haley, Jake, and I did Karaoke till like 1:00 AM in the morning!!! But it was loads of fun!!! Sat our Grandparents and Bill came over and we all wen't to El Mexicano in Salina it's a very good yummm Mexican restaurant I always love to order their Chicken Enchiladas with their Beans and Rice and we all had a good time there it was nice of my family to take me there for my birthday and having everyone there and to hear Haley and Trevor's college stories:).
Then all of us came back to our house to open presents and eat cake and ice cream. I loved everything that I got and I thank my family and Bill for my gifts!!! Thank's sooo much!!! I got alot of movies, jewelry, scrapbooking things, cd, beef stew I love that stuff!!! A bag full of my fave snacks, Jones Soda the flavor is called Berry Lemonade yummm, Bill gave me my fave kind of cookies it's the FudgeShoppe Grasshopper Fudge Mint Cookies and his parents gave a really cute birthday to card that was sweet of Bill and his parents, then Grams, and Gramps Dowdle chipped in with my Mom and Dad they gave me a really nice black fancy portable DvD player and a case to go with it I really do love to watch movies!!! Cuz they are alot of fun to watch!!! So that's why I got one:) and it was a good rest of the day:).
Then on Sunday it was my best friend's Bridal shower and my 24 birthday and Bayleys little brother Bryces birthday too!!! It was very good to see Bayley, Jens, and her family and her Mom made her shower all cute and very good refreshments, we played some fun guessings games and her Mom put me encharge of helping with the games, then we watched her opened her gifts and boy she got alot of cute gifts my family gave her the game Apples to Apples and a very pretty silver pitcher from our Grams we all chipped in on Bayleys Bridal shower. Also our cousins Rach, and her kids they are sooo cute!!!(They are from my dad's side) Their dad stayed up N. Rach, and her kids were able to come to the Shower. After the shower we had the refreshments we visited and it was fun seeing everyone, and Bayleys family sang happy birthday to me and Bryce and that was nice of them to do that:). Also that day my cousins stayed till Tues and on Sun my birthday Rach and Gabe her real name is Gaberielle but we all like to call her Gabe they came to get my little brother so he can go with them to sleep over at the Farm house and they gave me a very nice present very pretty Roses and my fave snacks and that was really nice of them to do that so i thank u guys and the Richards that's their last name I thank them for my gifts!!!:)
Mon my Grams and my Cousins picked me up from work and we all wen't out to lunch to Sandys and that was fun then they wanted me to come out to the Farm house and we all had alot of fun!!! We all wen't out to are garden and picked out vegetables, then me, Gabe, and Ben that's Gabes little brothers name we played hide-and-seek it was fun!!! I really loved spending time with them cuz we don't do that very often:( then my cousins took me home and they were able to spend the night cuz it was getting late and it was fun with them there too my cousin Rach also started a blog and asked me for help and it was fun helping her:) Well that's about it!!! The end of the fun weekend and Mon:( Well everyone u all take care!!!:)
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11 years ago