Baptisms for the dead weekend!!!:)

Baptisms for the dead weekend!!!:)
Hello everyone!!! I hope u all had a gr8 weekend last weekend!!!:) I just wanted to share with u all that last Sat I was able to go with the Singles ward for Baptisms for the dead and it was awesome!!!:) It was fun being and goin with everyone and goin to Manti was very pretty with all the fall colors the Temple looked really pretty in the Fall. While bein at the Temple I was able to confirm 20 people!!!:) I have never ever done that in my life and alot of the names were from Russia and Germany so that was really cool!!!:) Well thats about it and I hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!!!:)

Bayley wearing her beautiful wedding dress!!!:)

Bayley and Jens Wedding!!!:)(Oct 10, 2008)

Me and Bayley together at her wedding!!!:)

Me having a very gr8 time!!!:)

Bayleys favorite color for a rose

HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY JAKOB!!! WE LOVE U!!!(Oct 8, 2008)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! (Sept 20, 2008)

The Library's story time was about CATS!!! (October 1, 2008)

The Library's story time was about CATS!!! (October 1, 2008)
Hello everyone!! I hope that everyone has had a good day!! Today was a very fun day at the Library and I thought I would share it with u all:) every wednesday is the Library's story time and it was about CATS and it was very cute:). Lot's of kid's with their mom's came and Robin(one of the Librarian ladies) did the story time but I got to help!!:) anyways when I got to the Library Robin showed me these two most very cute kittens and one of them was white the other gray and I apoloigize that I don't remember their names:(. So when the kid's got there Robin read to cute cat stories I handed out these cute cat face paper for the kid's to color then after Robin got the kittens out and the kids loved it!! It was really cute seeing them with the kittens I got to help take pictures. It's really fun being at the Library volunteering cuz u can meet more people that way as well:) well that was about it!!

The Huckleberry Dowdle family tradition!!! (September 2008)

The Huckleberry Dowdle family tradition!!! (September 2008)
I thought this would be interesting to post. The Dowdle family has a tradition that we all love to do on special occasions it's with very tastey delicious Huckleberrys. Our Grandpa Dowdle (on our Dad's side) and some other family members will go to Idaho to go pick the Huckleberrys. When they find alot of Huckleberrys they will bring them home and our Grandpa will make very good tastey shakes out of them!!! Then our Grams Dowdle will make jam, syrup, or cobbler out of them it really does taste sooo good. The Huckleberrys are also from the state of Montana where u can get lots of great treats made out of Huckleberrys. If anyone is interested and wants to know where the location in Idaho to go pick or wants to know more details I would be happy to help!!!:)

My brothers and sister:) (Summer fun 2008)

My brothers and sister:) (Summer fun 2008)
My family, grandparents, and Bill went down to Cedar for the play called School For Wives it was alot of fun they also had a preshow before the play with Scottish/Italian dancing and music it was great!!!:)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hello everyone,
How are u all doin? I hope all is well with u all!!!:) I just wanted to share with u all about a very good book that I checked out from the Library that I just got done reading the book is called When Will This Cruel War Be Over? The Cival War Diary of Emma Simpson this woman is from Gordonsville, Virginia, 1864. This woman shares her experiences from the Civil War which is very interesting but it is a sad book. Emma Simpson is living with her mother cuz her father and her brother Cole had to go off to War and fight but her brother is brought home in a coffin cuz he got killed so her father still remains fighting. The Simpson family and other families have slaves with them cuz it was during slavery time too. The slaves that the Simpson family have with them remain loyal to them and the family treats them with respect which is very good cuz some families did not treat their slaves good and the slaves did not treat them with respect either.
Emma Simpson talks about how things used to be before the War started. Emma and her mother got to go to Richmond to visit her Aunt Caroline and Cousin Rachel and her new baby cousin name Elizabeth and when her aunt introduces a very handsome young man name Tally to Emma but he goes off to fight in the war too but writes to Emma the whole time. Emmas mother taught school to the to their slaves kids so that they could learn how to read and write I thought that was very cool and great service:) Later their aunt Caroline, Rachel, and baby Elizabeth came to their place to come and live with them. Anyway she explains that things used to be very happy before the War started like everyones family looses at least one family member, talks about how there is no men around cuz there all fighting, the Yankees come and invade the cities their place got invaded by the Yankees, a lot of home got flamed and the Yankees stole things from their homes and ruin everything. Some of the slaves betrayed their families to Yankees, a lot of the slaves ranned off. The Simpsons slaves still remain and did not abandon Emma which I thought was really cool. Thousands of boys who fought in the Civil War were between agaes of twelve and sixteen. There were at least three million who were slaves. In three days of fighting at Gettysberg there were over fifty thousands casualties. Almost five thousand soldiers were killed or wounded that day. Anyways I just thought that was very interesting but sad book. Even though it was a long time ago I did not like how the people treated the blacks as slaves even though some families treated them well but some did not u know? It still was wrong. But Im sooo glad thats all over!!!:) Abraham Lincoln was the one who eneded the slavery!!!:) Good for him!!!:) Im just sooo thankful for our freedom and to have the Gospel and sooo glad that we were not born at that time cuz we could of been u know? But we arent. Well thats about it!!!:) I hope everyone has a fun Thanksgiving next week!!!:)