Hello Everyone,
How are u all doing? I hope gr8!!!:) It has been awhile since I have posted anything so here it goes: In the beginning of spring/summer I was able to get both of my hips replaced and it has felt sooo gr8 and I'm really happy to have it all done I have been able to enjoy life more and it's just been gr8!!!:) Before I was to go to get my second surgery done our Dad had to go down to Texas to do some testing and when I was gettin ready for the second one I was really missing our Dad I wished he could of been there with me and my Mom but everything still wen't gr8!!!:) Anyways later when I was able to come home from the hospital our Dad came home and he found out that he passed all of his testing we are sooo proud of him and he was able to finish school to get his bachelor degree!!!:)
Then in August we were able to go to Camp Palisade by Manti UT with our Mom's side of the family and it was sooo much fun being able to spend time with family our Dad wasn't able to be there with us cause he had to go back to Texas:( The Camp Palisade campsite is a pretty camp ground with a nice big lake, grassy areas, trees, and really nice bathrooms and showers!!!:) The second day we all got ready to go spend the afternoon by the lake which was pretty fun and HOT DAY!!!:) I got a real bad sunburned:( Then that night there was a star gazing show at the golfing course and it was sooo awesome we learned alot, and I have never seen so many shooting stars in my life!!!:) We could even see the shooting stars from our campground too!!!:)
Then the next day we all drove to Manti after lunch and got an ice cream at a cute little candy shop, then we drove over to the Manti Temple which was also really pretty!!!:) Then the next day was our last day:( it was really a fun time being able to get out of town for a few days and to see family it was gr8!!!:) I would hope to do it again!!!:) I also really recommend Camp Palisade it's really fun!!!:) Then later in the summer I was able to go with my Mom and with her family to Swiss Days which was also really fun!!!:) We were also able to stay with my cousins the Larsens (my Mom's side) that was really nice of them to let us stay with them thanks u guys sooo much we love u all!!!:) It was my very first time going to Swiss Days my Mom, her sisters, and our Oma and Opa made it a tradition to go every year. Then later I was able to go up N to spend time with my best friend Bayley Christiansen we had sooo much fun by chilling, watching horror films late at night, and shopping!!!:) That week was also to be Bayley and Jens 1 year anniversary too!!!:) I really hope u and Bayley had a fun anniversary!!!:) Also thanks sooo much again for letting me come up it was a fun good time!!!:) Love from me!!!:)
Fall time: One day when our Grams and Gramps Dowdle wen't up N for my Gramps check up when they came home we had gotten terrible news that our Gramps has cancer and it wasn't very good at all:(:(:( I really hated that news it seemed like to me the whole world was falling apart. But then later our Gramps was to go in for another check up to see if anymore of his cancer has spread and thankfully it did not!!!!!!:):):) My Mom and I were driving to Therapy when my Dad called us to tell us the gr8 news we were soooooo happy our prayers were answered!!!!!!:):):) Our Gramps still has to go on with his treatments but we know it will go well!!!:) Then after a few more weeks later before Thanksgiving our Dad calls our Mom to tell her we will be leaving for College Station, Texas in 2 weeks!!!:) I was really sad to tell everyone goodbye I'm really gonna miss Utah and everyone;( and I thank everyone for their kindness, and for being sooo helpful!!!:) But it will be a good change and experience!!!:)
COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: On our way up here when we were passing through Arizona our Dad took us to this neat place in Holbrook, Arizona to see the Museum of the Petrified Wood and Forest it was really neat to see. In the Museum there was a 20 min video shown about the forest and wood. Then after u were able to go outside to walk on the trail to see the Wood and Forest. What I didn't know about the Forest is that it used to be a Tropical Jungle 3 million years ago roaming with Dinosaurs!!!:) So that was really cool to learn!!!:) We r now at our new home!!!:) We really like our apartment it's really nice and it has a really nice pool and hot tub!!!:) I love hot tubs!!!:) It rains alot here, the weather is really nice it snows once a year then it will get warm again, we really like the people here, we really like our new ward they r really nice and we felt welcomed on the first day!!!:)
THANKSGIVING: I really hope that everyone had a very fun safe Happy Thanksgiving!!!:) Thanksgiving was a really nice day we had on Christmas music while we were preparing our feast, we had a gr8 time eating and enjoying each others company and listening to the gr8 Christmas music, then we helped cleaned up, then we all got ready to go in the hot tub we wen't for a half hour, then came back to call our family members to say Happy Thanksgiving cause we really miss them and it was really hard not to be with them:(:(:( play Pass the Pigs and we called Haley so she could join us too, then had Pumpkin Pie and watched My Name Is Earl. I just wanted to say that I'am really thankful for everything and that I have been blessed!!!:):):) The next day we all woke up early to go to this really fun Texas Renaissance Festival(The Middle Ages was the theme) It was sooo much fun!!!:) At the Festival they had people dressed up in different characters, different bands, shows, rides, and food!!!:) I did take pictures of the Festival and I will post them up!!!:) Yesterday Dec 4, 2009 our Dad wen't to a job interview for a teaching job and he said it wen't very well and then later that day they called him back saying he got the job!!!!!!:):):) Our prayers were answered again!!!!!!:):):) We are sooo happy and proud of our Dad!!!!!!:):):) He gets to start in January he will be a full time teacher at a high school!!!!!!:):):) On final note everyone has been doing really well and I really hope all of u are doing really well too and I wish u all a very fun safe MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!:)